4PM - February 26, 2024

4PM - February 26, 2024

Chase Orsborn

4 Point Monday

February 26, 2024

What I’m Researching

  • Storytelling

How many people do you know that when they are telling a story, you are fully engaged. It doesn’t matter if it's about their drive-thru experience or the last vacation they went on. They tell a story in a way that you almost feel every word they are saying. I don’t know about you, but causing someone to fall asleep in the middle of a story is something I do not want to be known for. Within the last few months, I've begun a deep dive into learning how to tell a story. From structure to delivery, storytelling is a fascinating endeavor to develop.

A few resources that I’ve been following.

  1. Mathew Luhn - one of the original 12 at Pixar
  2. Storyworthy - book by Mathew Dicks
  3. The Art of Storytelling - Don Yaeger

What I’m Reading

Being right, judging, having an ego are all things I have struggled with throughout my life. I don’t know about you, but I want to get my point across and may not always take the time to see the other persons’ perspective or figure out if I’m even correct with what I’m saying. This book goes deep into approaching the world as a scientist and viewing everything as a hypothesis that needs to be tested strongly. Most of the time we view the world in 1 of 3 different frames. The preacher, the prosecutor and the politician. If you are looking for a book to open your mind and go deep into why you think the way you do, and develop tools to grow and communicate better, this book is worth the read.

Tips and Tricks

Sudoku on my phone is something that has taken up many hours of my life. Maybe for you it’s social media scrolling or amazon shopping. In 2024 I made a decision that this was going to be a growing year. And reading was going to be a big part of that. Read a book, create an action plan based on that book and put it into practice. But man, it was hard to find the time. We all live a busy life and I found myself only having about 20 minutes a night reading. That would take me forever. And I didn’t want to just listen to the audiobook or get an overview from the book on an app. I wanted to read it. So, I decided to remove Sudoku on my phone and every time I had the itch to play the game, I would open up my IBooks and start reading. Even if it was for 5 minutes. It didn’t matter. I started to collect about 2 hours of daily reading just from that one switch.

This Week’s Experiment

Judging is a part of life. No matter what we do, we judge all day. Good or bad, we judge. While reading the book “Think Again”, an idea popped into my mind. For one week, be conscious of my judgment. If it’s a positive judgment, why is it positive? But here is the kicker. If it’s a negative judgment, say the person ahead of me cut me in line, I create a story to turn it positive. Example, the person cut me in line at the grocery store because their family from out of town whom they haven’t seen in years, just called to surprise them. They are coming for dinner and will be there within the hour. There was nothing to eat so they ran to the store to grab groceries and hopefully make it back in time to get everything cooked and the house cleaned before their family showed up.

Odds are, that’s not the case. But if it is, I’d gladly give up my place so they can get home quickly to spend time with family they haven’t seen. In doing this, I no longer want to yell at the person. Hell, by the time I’m done telling myself the story, I’m no longer upset.

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